Lori's Nursing Necklaces and more!

Nursing Breastfeeding necklaces: custom-made by a work at home Mom, for more than seven years. The only nursing necklace tested by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission.I only use beads made in the US. Great necklace for twiddling/pinching and distractable breastfed babies. Est 2001

Thursday, March 02, 2006

I love trading!

I just had an order for 2 nursing necklaces but instead of her paying me, we are trading our WAHM wares. I went to her website http://www.littlebowpeepbaby.com/index1.html and Mali was so excited and pointing at the bows that I had to ask her for a trade instead. I am getting a few, one something like this
I will post again when they arrive and I get Mali's picture taken in them. You should go to her site, she has beautiful hair accessories!