Lori's Nursing Necklaces and more!

Nursing Breastfeeding necklaces: custom-made by a work at home Mom, for more than seven years. The only nursing necklace tested by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission.I only use beads made in the US. Great necklace for twiddling/pinching and distractable breastfed babies. Est 2001

Thursday, May 17, 2007

Boden and Aina's necklaces

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Jackson's Story

This is Jackson's Story!

Jackson's Mommy is from Canada

Jackson's Daddy is from Pennsylvania

Jackson's Mommy and Daddy went to Jamaica on their honeymoon

The whole family are big Spurs fans!

Jackson lives in Texas

Teresa's Story

This is Teresa's Story!

Ty's Mommy and Daddy honeymooned in Costa Rica

The Ty's daddy is a HUGE Raiders fans!

Ty's Mommy loves the fabulous Miss Piggy! (who doesnt?)

Ty's Mommy loves playing soccer and her favorite team is the Galaxy and Galaxy is also her pledge name for her sorority

Monday, May 14, 2007

Texas State Necklace

My state nursing necklaces have 6 sections. After the name is a baseball and that represents Carrson's parent's favorite sport and their favorite team:

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

Alex's Family Story

Alex's Grandmother is from Thailand

Alex's daddy is from North Carolina

Alex's parents LOVE Valentine's Day!