Lori's Nursing Necklaces and more!

Nursing Breastfeeding necklaces: custom-made by a work at home Mom, for more than seven years. The only nursing necklace tested by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission.I only use beads made in the US. Great necklace for twiddling/pinching and distractable breastfed babies. Est 2001

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I have been asked to write about nursing necklaces

A friend of mine has this incredible site for nursing mom and we were talking about me writing an article about nursing necklaces and putting it up on her site. I am a little overwhelmed by the thought of doing this, but it would be great exposure for me. She also thinks I could have it published on another AP/breastfeeding resource site which I also LOVE!

Any suggestions or ideas? I dont even know where to begin!

The new site is going great, I love being able to update it whenever I want to.

I have been asked to make some necklaces for an IBCLC to sell to her clients. It would be my first serious wholesale opportunity, so I am excited about that. Honestly, this is not a steady business, so I need to fill in with what I can.