Lori's Nursing Necklaces and more!

Nursing Breastfeeding necklaces: custom-made by a work at home Mom, for more than seven years. The only nursing necklace tested by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission.I only use beads made in the US. Great necklace for twiddling/pinching and distractable breastfed babies. Est 2001

Friday, December 29, 2006

Nursing Necklace With an Oriental Flair!

Asia is a very special baby to many of us on KellyMom; along with Mom, Krista, and Grandma, Paula. This necklace was commissioned by a board moderator, Monique aka VictoriasMom, especially for Asia, who has had a challenging and couragous life. Asia was born premature and is an amazing fighter, on the board we call her the Warrior Princess. She was born at 27 weeks 1 day after full premature rupture of membranes at 19 weeks 6 days; having no amnio fluid for those 7 weeks before she was born.

Asia's mom really likes things that are Oriental, so after talking to her grandma, I decided to research the Orient, symbols and colors.

LION - Also known as "Dogs of Fu" or "Fu Dogs," they were symbols of superhuman strength and as protectors and mounts of holy beings. They are emblems of valour and energy. Fu dogs are often depicted in pairs.
- Symbol for wealth. A pair of fish symbolizes marriage, conjugal felicity, fertility and tenacity.
- Strength and astuteness, as well as high moral standards.
CAT - The cat is the protector of silkworms, and disperses evil spirits. Because of their good eyesight, they are said to be able to see spirits in the dark.

Red for happiness and joy

Orange for devotion and piety

Yellow for power and glory

Green for paradise

Blue for solidute and truth

Brown for fertility


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