Lori's Nursing Necklaces and more!

Nursing Breastfeeding necklaces: custom-made by a work at home Mom, for more than seven years. The only nursing necklace tested by the US Consumer Product Safety Commission.I only use beads made in the US. Great necklace for twiddling/pinching and distractable breastfed babies. Est 2001

Monday, June 18, 2007

The stories of Nikolas Allier and Artemis Vosges

My story necklaces are like scrapbooks about the baby's family. There are 6 sections and each section represents a different part of the baby's family story. For these two, some sections are the same, since they are twins, but some are different. I break down each section so you can see the detail and inspiration behind it. The first section is the one right after the name.

Thank-you Elizabeth, it was a pleasure working with you!


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